Tired of Waiting (c.t.- 1998)
She's gonna show the world just how strong she can be
And no one will ever tear the walls down again
Independence is happiness and strength
That's what she believes
But she doesn't realize that no one wants an
Emotional void
Hiding all of your feelings
Like scared little children, hidden from the real world
May keep them safe, but years from now
You'll look back and realize
The world just got tired of waiting
He's gonna show the world just how much he can be
And no one will ever stand between him and his ambitions
And he longs for happiness and balance in his life
But deep down he knows, before he can grow
He has to take a chance on living his life
Hiding all of your feelings
Like scared little children, hidden from the real world
May keep them safe, but years from now
You'll look back and realize
The world just got tired of waiting
They're gonna show the world just how proud they can be
And throw away all that they've worked for
Just to prove who's wrong and who's right